New trailer reveals next generation graphics engine

  • Most important fact but most likely a typo or mistake: 32 players for the console.
  • At a screen there were four classes with five slots for equipment.
  • Siegismund says that he has seen a F-16 and a Su-27 Jet.
  • Siegesmund talks about a “Replay-Function which was also included in Battlefield 2”.
  • Sound: DICE is working with a revised system for the sound that enables players to detect from where a vehicle or enemy soldier is coming.
  • Singleplayer: there will be Quicktime-Events where you have to push the mouse buttons to win a fight.
  • At a screen there were four classes with five slots for equipment. No further word about the details of the equipment is given No further word about the details of the equipment is given Siegismund says that he has seen a F-16 and a Su-27 jet. Important here: there is a render / picture at the article that shows a F-18 Super Hornet and not a F-16. Important here: there is a render / picture at the article shows that a F-18 Super Hornet and not a F-16. Don't know if this means the existence of both jets or a typo. Do not know if this means the existence of both jets or a typo. Siegemund talks about a "Replay Function Which Was Also included in Battlefield 2". In our opinion he is talking about the Battlerecorder (as a function to replay whole games). In our opinion he is talking about the Battle Recorder (as a function to replay whole games). His statement concerning this function: “DICE is playing around with a feasible version for BF3”. His statement concerning this function: "DICE is playing around with a feasible version for BF3. The function is not confirmed. The function is not confirmed. Sound: DICE is working with a revised system for the sound that Enables players to detect from where a vehicle or enemy soldier is coming. Every object (aka tank, helicopter) has up to 80 soundchannels with different sounds from different angles. Every object (aka tank, helicopter) has up to 80 sound channels with different sounds from different angles. Single Player: There Will Be Quick time events where you have to push the mouse buttons to win a fight. The example here: an enemy tries to stab you with a knife and you have to defend you (knock him down / kill him). The example here: an enemy tries to stab you with a knife and you have to defend you (knock him down / kill him).

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